Crash Landing du B-26 Marauder - type F-1-MA - s/n 42-96325 PN*?
Fiche France-Crashes 39-45 modifiée le 16-04-2019
Date Nation Département Unité - Mission
08-11-1944 Etats-Unis Oise 322ndBG/449thBS/9thAF Vol d'entrainement aux instruments
Localisation Terrain A-81C Creil
Circonstances Suite au mauvais fonctionnement du compas, accidenté à l'atterrissage (train cassé dans un cratère de bombes) sur le terrain A-81C - L'avion s'écrase sur l'aile droite - 15h35
Commentaires Décollage 14h00 A-61 Beauvais-Tillé (60)
Sources ** Claude Dannau (source: / / Accident Report (source AFHRA)
Historique 17/04/2017=Création - 16/04/2019=Ajout rapport,mission,équip/Modif comm av,circonst
Grade Prenom Nom Poste Corps Etat Lieu d'Inhumation Commentaires
2Lt Walter J Frank Pil USAAF Récupéré O-706159 - Indemne
2Lt Joseph M Donahue CoP USAAF Récupéré O-713635 - Indemne
2Lt Walter G Leffler Bomb USAAF Récupéré O-712257 - Indemne
Sgt William R Fry Mec/M USAAF Récupéré 19072356 - Indemne
** Les sources sont citées chronologiquement en fonction des nouvelles informations reçues ou trouvées
Fiche tech Correspondance grades Abréviations utilisées Filières d'évasion Camps de Pow Bases RAF/USAAF Utilitaires
Compléments (rapports - helpers - récits - liens - photos)
Extraits du rapport d'enquête (source Accident Report - AFHRA):
B-26F 42-96325 piloted by Lt Walter J Frank, had been airborne on a training mission only a few minutes when weather closed in at the home base. Difficulties encountered in attempting to return included (1) unserviceability of the pilot's compass, (2) Failure of the crew of the field buncher beacon, and (4) poor reception of the VHF signals broadcast from the home station, and attempted a landing on a wet 4000 ft grass strip; it was impossible to stop the aircraft at the end of the strip; and the right landing gear dropped into a bomb crater 200 yards beyond. Dammage was extensive on the right side of the airplane.[...] The accident is chargeable 50% to weather, which was the immediate cause of crash; 35% to personal error, for failing to find the B-16 compass, and for failing to attempt to find a more serviceable landing field. The radiofacilities, classified as a miscellaneous cause, are considered 10% responsible, and instrument failure 5%.

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