Crash du P-51 Mustang - type B-10-NA - s/n 42-106643 A9*?
Fiche France-Crashes 39-45 modifiée le 15-09-2017
Date Nation Département Unité - Mission
30-04-1944 Etats-Unis Mayenne 363rdFG/380thFS/9thAF Escorte de bombardiers - Lyon (69)
Localisation Batilly - Cne d'Ecouché (4,5 km O)
Circonstances Défaillance mécanique, probablement provoquée par le combat aérien avec
Messerschmitt Bf109 - Photo du site
- Avion évacué en parachute - 12h30
Commentaires Décollage 08h15 station 413 Staplehurst , Kent UK -
Sources ** /
Historique 03/04/2014=Création - 15/09/2017=Ajout 2 photos
Grade Prenom Nom Poste Corps Etat Lieu d'Inhumation Commentaires
2Lt Charles Lee Moore Pil USAAF En fuite O-810552 - Né le 27/06/1919 - Rocky Mount, North Carolina USA - Recueilli par la Résistance et caché à Macé (61) - Retour UK 23/08/1944 - Rapport E&E#1120
** Les sources sont citées chronologiquement en fonction des nouvelles informations reçues ou trouvées
Fiche de cet avion : à venir Correspondance grades Abréviations utilisées Filières d'évasion Camps de Pow Bases RAF/USAAF Utilitaires
Compléments (rapports - helpers - récits - liens - photos)
Personnes ayant aidé à l'évasion: Jacques Roger, Mme Javerau, Mr Mme Verrier, Mr Mme Guilloire, Mme Bourguignon

Rapport du 1Lt Gordon T McEachron:
On 30 April 1944 I was leading Captain Fletcher's second element of Hassock Blue Flight on bomber escort mission to Lyon, France. After un engagement with four Me-109es south-east of Paris, my wing man (Lt Charles L Moore) and I were cruising along at 300 miles per hour, when Lt Moore called me, saying he was losing his coolant. I told him to throttle back as much as possible and what I would protect his tail. He throttled back to 27 inches of Hg and I dropped into trail. I noticed white smoke pouring from what appeared to be the right side of his engine. Lt Moore climbed to about 200 feet and continued to fly at that level for about three minutes. The white smoke became danser. Then suddenly, Lt Moore pulled up to about 1,000 feet; I noticed his canopy fall off when he pulled the emergency release. I called Lt Moore and said "Good luck, Moore", and he acknowledged with: "Rodger, Mac". He then did a half roll and bailed out. I saw his chute open immediately. I made a 360 degrees turn on the deck and came by him just before he landed in an open field about two miles from a small town that I located on the map at Mayenne, France. He landed safely in a open field near the woods. This occured at approximately 1230 hours.

2Lt Moore - Musée de Lassay-les-Châteaux (53)
2Lt Moore (Musée de Lassay-Photo C Dannau)
Vestigesdu 42-106643 - Musée de Lassay-les-Châteaux (53)
Vestiges (Musée de Lassay-Photo C Dannau)

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